This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

System Reference Samples and Demos on STM32MP157C/F-DK2 board

Based on a fork of the yocto [meta-st-stm32mp-oss] ( environment,designed to update and test upstream code on STM32MP boards,


Some specifics package could be needed to build the ST images. For details refer to

STMPU wiki PC prerequisite


Create the structure of the project

mkdir stm32mp15-demo
cd stm32mp15-demo
mkdir stm32mp1_distrib_oss
mkdir zephy_rpmsg_multi_services

At this step you should see following folder hierarchy:

    |___ stm32mp1_distrib_oss
    |___ zephy_rpmsg_multi_services

Generate the stm32mp15 image

Install stm32mp1_distrib_oss Nanbield

From the stm32mp15-demo directory

export YOCTO_VER=scarthgap
cd stm32mp1_distrib_oss
mkdir -p layers/meta-st

git clone layers/poky
cd layers/poky
git checkout -b WORKING origin/$YOCTO_VER
cd -

git clone layers/meta-openembedded
cd layers/meta-openembedded
git checkout -b WORKING origin/$YOCTO_VER
cd -

git clone layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-oss
cd layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-oss
git checkout -b WORKING origin/$YOCTO_VER
cd -

Initialize the Open Embedded build environment

The OpenEmbedded environment setup script must be run once in each new working terminal in which you use the BitBake or devtool tools (see later) from stm32mp15-demo/stm32mp1_distrib_oss directory

source ./layers/poky/oe-init-build-env build-stm32mp15-disco-oss

bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe
bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-openembedded/meta-perl
bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-openembedded/meta-python
bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp-oss

echo "MACHINE = \"stm32mp15-disco-oss\"" >> conf/local.conf
echo "DISTRO = \"nodistro\"" >> conf/local.conf
echo "PACKAGE_CLASSES = \"package_deb\" " >> conf/local.conf

Build stm32mp1_distrib_oss image

From stm32mp15-demo/stm32mp1_distrib_oss/build-stm32mp15-disco-oss/ directory

bitbake core-image-base

Note that

  • to build around 30 GB is needed

  • building the distribution can take more than 2 hours depending on performance of the PC.

Install stm32mp1_distrib_oss

From ‘stm32mp15-demo/stm32mp1_distrib_oss/build-stm32mp15-disco-oss/’ directory,populate your microSD card inserted on your HOST PC using command

cd tmp-glibc/deploy/images/stm32mp15-disco-oss/
# Unmount potential media mounted from the sdcard. Replace <device> by mmcblk<X> (X = 0,1..) or
#sd<Y>( Y = b,c,d,..) depending on the connection
sudo eject /dev/<device>
# Flash wic image on your sdcard. Replace <device> by mmcblk<X> (X = 0,1..) or
#sd<Y>( Y = b,c,d,..) depending on the connection
sudo dd if=core-image-base-stm32mp15-disco-oss.rootfs.wic of=/dev/<device> bs=8M conv=fdatasync status=progress

Generate the Zephyr rpmsg multi service example

Initialize the Zephyr environment

Refer to zephyr example readme article.

Build the Zephyr image

From the zephy_rpmsg_multi_services directory

west build -b stm32mp157c_dk2 openamp-system-reference/examples/zephyr/rpmsg_multi_services

For details refer to rpmsg_multi_services readme article.

Install the Zephyr binary on the sdcard

The Zephyr sample binary is available in the sub-folder of build directory stm32mp15-demo/zephy_rpmsg_multi_services/build/zephyr/rpmsg_multi_services.elf. It needs to be installed on the “rootfs” partition of the sdcard

sudo cp build/zephyr/rpmsg_multi_services.elf <mountpoint>/rootfs/lib/firmware/

Don’t forget to properly unmoumt the sdcard partitions.

sudo eject /dev/<device>

Build and install the rpmsg-utils tools

This chapter explains how to build and install the rpmsg-utils for the STM32MP157C/F-DK2 board.

Download XXXX-none-linux-gnu AArch32 GNU/Linux target cross toolchains from:

arm developer page.

Build the rpmsg-utils binaries:

# <compiler path> has to be updated by the path of the arm toolchain.
export CC="<compiler path>/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -mthumb -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7"

Install the tools on the sdcard .. code-block:: console

sudo cp rpmsg_destroy_ept rpmsg_export_dev rpmsg_export_ept rpmsg_ping <mountpoint>/rootfs/usr/bin/

Don’t forget to properly unmoumt the sdcard partitions.

sudo eject /dev/<device>


Start the demo environment

stm32mp15-disco-oss login: root

There are 2 ways to start the coprocessor:

  • During the runtime, by the Linux remoteproc framework

    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# cat /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# echo rpmsg_multi_services.elf > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/firmware
    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# echo start >/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# cat /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
  • In the boot stages, by the U-Boot remoteproc framework

    • Prerequisite Copy the firmware in the bootfs partition

    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# cp /lib/firmware/rpmsg_multi_services.elf /boot/
    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# sync
    • Boot the board and go in U-Boot console

    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# reboot

    Enter in the U-boot console by interrupting the boot with any keyboard key.

    • Load and start the Coprocessor firmware:

    STM32MP> load mmc 0#bootfs ${kernel_addr_r} rpmsg_multi_services.elf
    816776 bytes read in 148 ms (5.3 MiB/s)
    STM32MP> rproc init
    STM32MP> rproc load 0 ${kernel_addr_r} ${filesize}
    Load Remote Processor 0 with data@addr=0xc2000000 816776 bytes: Success!
    STM32MP> rproc start 0
    STM32MP> run bootcmd

    To automatically load the firmware by U-Boot, refer to the STMicorelectronics wiki.

    • Check that the remoteproc state is “detached”

    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# cat /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    • Attach the Linux remoteproc framework to the Zephyr

    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# echo start >/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    root@stm32mp15-disco-oss:~# cat /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state

The communication with the coprocessor is not initialized, following traces on console are observed:

[   54.495343] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: rpmsg host is online
[   54.500044] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-client-sample addr 0x400
[   54.507923] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-tty addr 0x401
[   54.514795] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-raw addr 0x402
[   54.548954] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: new channel: 0x402 -> 0x400!
[   54.557337] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: incoming msg 1 (src:    0x400)
[   54.565532] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: incoming msg 2 (src:    0x400)
[   54.581090] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: incoming msg 3 (src:    0x400)
[   54.588699] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: incoming msg 4 (src:    0x400)
[   54.599424] rpmsg_client_sample virtio0.rpmsg-client-sample.-1.1024: incoming msg 5 (src:    0x400)

This informs that following rpmsg channels devices have been created:

  • a rpmsg-client-sample device

  • a rpmsg-tty device

  • a rpmsg-raw device

Run the multi RPMsg services demo

Refer to rpmsg multi service article.